Discount shopping is easy, and your product orders come directly from Young Living!
24% OFF
Purchase a mix of any products that total at least 100 PV* or greater, at any time, to unlock a 24% discount for a rolling 12 months.
- To continue getting this discount after one year, you will need to either make another 100 PV purchase or put an item on subscription (see below).
- Starter bundles are available to make your beginning choice easier.
Or you can simply put an item or items on a subscription order, for any frequency (every one, two, or three months), with at least 50 PV amount. As long as you maintain an active subscription, you will retain the discount amount of 24% on all purchases.
- GET AN ADDITIONAL 10% BACK RIGHT NOW. If your subscription order is at least a 50 PV, you'll get an additional 10% back in Loyalty Reward points!
- You are able to change your product(s) every month.
*PV is 'Points Value is a unit of measurement generally equal to one US dollar.
Additionally, when you put items on subscription, you can earn up to 25% back in the form of reward points and qualify for exclusive discounts. It's fantastic! See the details of Young Living's Loyalty Rewards Program.
If you're new to using essential oils and would like to start out on the right path (avoiding unnecessary confusion), I highly recommend that you begin your journey with an Essential Oils Premium Starter Bundle. It's a TREMENDOUS VALUE for your money and takes the guesswork out. Look at these different Starter Bundles and see if one would be right for you.
I'd love to welcome you to the world of Young Living. Here, you will find much more than essential oils—you’ll find a new lifestyle.
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Free Email Class: Essential Oils 101
Learn all the basics on essential oils in my FREE Essential Oils 101 Email Course. I’ll also share DIY beauty and skin care recipes, homemade cleaners and other practical uses for essential oils to help you save money too.
Ready to begin a healthier life?
Get a Starter Bundle and SAVE!
Most of us begin our journey by choosing a Young Living Starter Bundle. The bundles offer considerable value for your money and they contain enough full-size items to ensure initial success using Young Living.

For Home, health, & fitness
Products for Everyone!
These products celebrate the harmony between nature, body, mind, and soul. Have you noticed that walking through lavender fields or a pine forest seems to instantly awaken your senses — from the energizing aromas to the feelings of well-being the smell evokes? Young Living infuses this into everything they create.
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