Nicole Knauer

Young Living Brand Partner
Brand Partner # 1380120
(970) 689-1227
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Hello and thank you for visiting to my website! 

I would like to introduce myself with a little background on why I choose the Young Living Lifestyle.  My passion to share this option, as well as some other healthy choices, comes from knowing a life filled with pain and illness.

I try to live the 80/20 rule.  I can not control my environment all of the time, so I try to do as much as I can, when I can, to eliminate harsh chemicals from my household and my body, and my families bodies as well. 

I choose to not live in fear, but to control what I can when I can.

Today, I am a Yoga Teacher, Healing Touch and Theta Practitioner.  I live a vibrant and healthy life..... I have a happy marriage, two amazing sons, and we all enjoy outdoor activities like boating, hiking, camping, hunting, fishing and walking our two dogs at the park. 

However, this was not always the case.  My story is always in progress, but the beginning was pretty dang awful, looking back at my life.  

I grew up with many health challenges. Many.

I am not a complainer by nature, so I just kept "Keepin' On" thinking eventually, I would either grow out of the symptoms, or some doctor would be able to help me. 

I went 44 years  misdiagnosed... 

Depression, anxiety, severe joint pain, abdominal pain, heavy periods, polycystic ovarian syndrome, pre-cancerous cells on my cervix, infertility, skin rashes, fainting spells, and many more symptoms plagued my life.

I was prescribed pain meds, anti depressants, and other over the counter drugs to mask the pain, which all had additional symptoms to overcome.

Enduring ten procedures and surgeries before I was given a hysterectomy at the age of 34, the doctor left one ovary, which was also removed just 2 years later.  I was in the hospital on average twice per year.

Then one night in November of 2014 everything changed…

Opening my eyes and seeing the blood running down my driveway and feeling the cold ground on my cheek, was the most terrifying moment of my life.  It took every ounce of strength to pull myself to my feet and realize that what had happened. 

I fainted! Face down, bruised and bleeding at 10:00 at night. I had taken the trash out and on my way back to the door..... lights out.

Because I didn't want to "bother" anyone,  I just pulled up my big girl panties and got cleaned up.  Looking back, I clearly was in shock.

Once I figured out the blood was coming from my chin, I went inside and put my YL frankincense and lavender and some bandaids to keep it closed.

Then, I sat on my couch and began to pull pieces of broken teeth out of my mouth!  Oh man, that was freaky, let me tell ya.

The next morning, after a sleepless night of throbbing pain, I took my son to school, then proceeded to go to Urgent Care to make sure I did't break my jaw. 

THANK GOD, I did not, however, I did fracture 7 teeth and broke 5 more, requiring over a year of dental reconstruction and stitches to my chin for the wound. 

The doctor was shocked at how well and fast it had healed and I told him it was my oils.  He laughed at me of course. 

As horrible as this story sounds......This was the first day of my new life!   

My old life was taking a deadly path.

I am quite certain I would be in a wheelchair now.

This accident happened “FOR” me not “TO” me.  

At the age of 44, I was diagnosed with Celiac Disease.  

Celiac is an auto immune disease.  The small intestine is extremely allergic to gluten, wheat, rye and barley.  When exposed to even the tiniest amounts, severe abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting, and extreme fatigue occur for up to 3 days.

And those three things happen to have many aliases. 

I mean like HUNDREDS of other words, for gluten alone. 

I found a homeopathic and western medicine blended doctor who would find the cause and not just cover symptoms.  She asked me what my bathroom visits were like..... NO ONE EVER ASKED ME THAT BEFORE!

The food I was eating, the nutrition I was not receiving, was killing me. Yes, killing me.

With the gifts of Dr. Stephanie Lockwood, my nutritionist, Nicole Eckman at Enlightened Nutrition, Young Living supplements and products, learning about and living the toxic free lifestyle, the support of my loving husband, family and many friends, my journey took a huge detour.  

My new life is now filled with:

Energy * Stamina * Joy * Agility * Hope * Happiness* 

I tell you this story because it embodies my passion to help others.  To find freedom from a life of restraint, due to things like inflammation, injury, depression, and the many other symptoms we experience from a life lived “below the wellness line”.

Wellness is not a magic pill you take once a day and expect everything to be normal. It is a lifestyle. One that requires support, small changes can lead to big openings.

Mindful living is challenging, but very rewarding.  Some days are harder than others, I am going to be honest.  It isn't easy at first, but once you see the changes, it becomes so worth the work.  I am here to coach and support you in your search for healthier living.

Having gone through chronic pain, misdiagnosis, the hamster wheel of anxiety and so much more, my passion to help others comes from a space of understanding. 

I combine spiritual, emotional and physical options to help you obtain your individual map to wellness.

Private Yoga and Customized Services to rejuvenate your soul, and education on a holistic and toxic free lifestyle are the avenues we can explore.

I would love to help you discover the BEST you possible.  Contact me and we can navigate your journey to better health.

Thank you for reading my story.  I would love to hear yours and get to know you as well. 

PLEASE SEE MY BLOG POST  "CUSTOMIZED SERVICES" for information on my offerings.

Healing Light and Joy to you,

Nicole Knauer

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May 13, 2019

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