Private Yoga


My goal is to take the fear of yoga and transition it to a healthy passion for people who are new to the practice.  Many people are intimidated by going into a studio not knowing a single posture, may feel inadequate in yoga clothing or have injury that prevents them from exploring this option.

The practice of postures, lifestyles, and meditation can change your life.  Perhaps you have an injury, self-esteem, or other barriers preventing you to explore this fascinating and age-old remedy, of healing the body, mind, and spirit.

For thousands of years, practicing the 8 limbs of yoga has brought so many to profound health, it can not be ignored.  You do not have to be skinny and flexible to practice yoga. There is so much more to it than just the asana’s (postures).

Meditation, prayer, breathwork, and mindful changes can bring balance along with the movement of the body. I can lead you to the options and let you discover what you can achieve in your own personal journey.  Go to my YOGA section for more information and my journey. Beginners and sports teams are my specialties.

I am open to design a practice based on your individual needs at any level.


My yoga story

Yoga is my panacea, my grounding, and my connection to God. It is the ancient Indian science of self-discipline. The Sanskrit word means union. It is a path of self-exploration that unites the mind, body, and spirit.

25 years ago, I began practicing for the health benefits and found that it was also the answer to calming the chatter in my mind. I have always been one to load my plate and take on more than I probably should. I thrive when I am busy, and love to feel I am contributing to my family and humanity.

Serving others brings my heart JOY. But, selflessness can bring anxiety, stress, and worry. “Did I forget something?” is always in the back of my mind. When I practice yoga, regardless of the style, I stay centered, eat healthier, and feel more at peace. I feel as if I can handle the everyday hustle and bustle life throws at me.

Another bonus, my body “feels good” when I practice. My digestion is better, I sleep better, and I feel more alive. Not to mention the flexibility, cardiovascular, and muscle strengthening benefits I receive doing what I love.

Yoga has also brought me closer to God. It is my time to talk and more importantly, LISTEN when I am on my mat. Taking yoga “off the mat” is something I also experienced. Sharing my light and energy with others is much easier and more abundant when I am in a steady and consistent practice. Non-judgement, unconditional love, and seeing others in a new light is also some of the priceless gifts yoga brings to my life.



Yoga is often confused as a religion. Far from the truth. It is a path of 8 forms of discipline you can follow for a better life. Many are all mentioned in every written religious book such as the Korhan, The Bible, and The Torah. There are several books and guides you can look into that explain each one of these. I will blog about them individually, so look for that information in the future.

My first romance was Bikram practice. This is a series of 38 postures in a specific sequence in a room heated up to 110 degrees in some studios. Some places also incorporate humidity for a deeper detoxifying experience. For me, “the hotter, the better”.

Then my dream came true in 2018 when I was able to take yoga teacher training at Yoga Pod in Fort Collins, CO. Teacher training further expanded my excitement, opened my practice, and I ended up falling head over heels in love with vinyasa flow classes. It increased my passion to share this amazing lifestyle with as many people as I can.

When you add Young Living essential oils to a yoga practice…BOOM! A marriage made in heaven. 


Types of Yoga

I would like to share with you a brief description of a few styles of yoga.



Restorative Yoga uses props like blankets, bolsters, and blocks to support you in postures. Holding these postures for 3 to 5 minutes-and sometimes longer-allows the connective tissues to stretch gently and slowly. It balances muscular and cardiovascular training and brings flexibility to our bodies. This gentle practice is perfect for all ability levels, ranging from high-level athletes to those with injuries and restrictions. Anyone who incorporates this form of yoga can truly experience the bliss.



Yin Yoga incorporates long-held floor poses that are a bit more active than the restorative. There may be fewer props used with a bit more movement. It is a great option for a beginner as well as an experienced practitioner.  The focus of these classes is more on stretching fascia, tendons, and connective tissues. It can be rejuvenating and relaxing all at the same time.



Vinyasa or “flow” classes adapt more movement from posture to posture. There are hundreds of different poses and variations. Difficulties can range from beginner up to a rigorous and difficult, depending on the postures, sequencing, and pace of the class. Music is typically played in many different genres depending on the teacher.


Yoga Offerings

Beginner Private Classes

$35 per hour

This is for the new yoga practitioner. We will work individually with you based on your needs for that particular day. You may need a flow type class for more of a “work out” or you may need more restorative or yin that day. I will use essential oils to enhance your practice no matter the choice. Emotional, spiritual, and physical balance is a daily fluctuation. We can address your personal needs with these private classes.  There are no minimum amounts of classes required to commit to.  5 class pre-paid punch card available for $140  (20% discount).


Yoga with a Friend

$20 per person with 2 or more (up to 3)

With the above Beginner Private Class description, you can invite a friend and share the cost.  5 Class pre-paid punchcards for groups of 2 or more are $75  bringing your per-class price to $15 when you practice with a Yoga Buddy.


Sports Team Yoga

$75 per hour

These classes are specifically designed to meet the needs of your sports team. A consultation with the coach or trainer will determine the frequency and direction of approach. No limit to the number of classes. Call or email to schedule your free Coaches Consultation.


Half-Day Retreat

Priced especially for your individual experience.

A half-day retreat includes energy work, a card reading, and gentle yoga with an organic lunch.


Ready to Make a Change?

Contact me to schedule a consultation or class!

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