Come on in!!!
I'm so glad you're here!! It is my honor to share with you the most authentic essential oils on the planet! I'm Jerry McLennan and Do I Have an OIL For You!
If health results are important in your family, I hope you spend some time here reading about these bottles of miracles as well as all the oil-infused products (I say I'm double dipping when I use the oil-infused products!). If all of your questions are not answered on this site, I'm only a phone call away . . . so please don’t hesitate to reach out to me!
ME!!! Who is ME?? I want you to KNOW me and why I do all the things I do. I'll start with the WHY since is it a LOT shorter. . . So “WHY”?... to serve others - YOU, to see and be a part of lives being changed.
Owning and operating a ranch as well as consulting on healthy living keeps me busy meeting new people... the part of my life I like the most. An all natural lifestyle helps me meet and overcome everyday challenges. I’d like to learn more about your daily struggles and share my knowledge of a healthy lifestyle with you, explaining how you can apply the same principles to you and your family's spiritual, physical and emotional health as well as your financial health.
Now . . . . , let me tell you ALL about ME!! In the small, Texas Panhandle town where I grew up, there was nothing between us and the North Pole except a barbed wire fence and it was down most of the time. We had snow in the winter, tornadoes in the season, and dust storms in between.
Mother was a Home Ec teacher who stayed at home once I, and my younger brother, came along. Dad was an independent insurance agent in his father’s business. Once home from WWII, he took over his family's business rather than going to college. He and mom met at a Sunday School party when mother moved to the Panhandle after graduating from college.
You know, I never realized we were not the richest family in town because we were always happy, doing things together. It was before TV and we didn’t have AC so we were out in the neighborhood a lot, and played a lot of board games after supper and homework and spent vacation time in the summer traveling. Daddy wanted us to have seen every state in the US before we graduated and before I graduated from college he had accomplished getting us to all 48 of them. (it was before Hawaii and Alaska) You could almost say I grew up in the home of “Father Knows Best”.
Growing up we ate healthy because Home Ec teacher mom was a great cook and knew her nutrition. I did not have an ounce of fat on me, not at all like what you see today. In fact my friends called me “bird legs”.
Things have changed a lot since I was young. Now it is hard for families to make ends meet on one salary so most moms work outside the home. Those who choose to stay at home usually home school their children and do everything they can to make the budget meet dad’s income. I spent many years counseling young families and helping them find ways for mom to stay at home with the kids.
For as long as I can remember, I have always been an advocate for children, many times butting heads with others who would ask me "WHY are you fighting so hard for this...they are only two year olds!”
Not able to have children of our own, they were (and still are) my passion. After adopting our son, the passion grew even more. I was happy to be a part of anything helping break the cycle of just one family whose children were aborted, neglected, poorly fed, or shuffled from one family member to another with no one who really cared about them. Even though abortion is rampant, so is human sex trafficking….there again, children no one really cared about at all.
When I see young families just beginning with tons of kids in their future, my desire is to help those families live my abundant life of contentment and joy. To help them stay healthy, enjoy each other, be able to take those vacations to see their country and their world, is my contribution to “Father Knows Best”.
That being our heavenly Father…He has worked out a plan for us to do just that, we just have to seek Him and follow His plan.
The business I’m in I’m in for LIFE, literally! And it is a mathematical certainty because His provision WORKS!! The only thing that is uncertain is your commitment and dedication to see it through. The neat thing is YOU are the one who controls the commitment. You control your ability to DIG OUT. So......
SHARE! Some will say yes, some will say no, That’s okay just share again, and again, and again, and follow up and follow up and follow up and He will bless you because HE WANTS an abundant life for you and your family. Trust His promise and His faithfulness.
You were created to be FREE. So claim your freedom, speak life over yourself, your business, your family, and take flight on eagle wings and SOAR to the level where you have dared to dream.
REMEMBER, you are the only one with the power to alter the outcome of your dreams, and your Father Knows Best because He owns it all and is just waiting to hand you all you will ask for and all to which you are willing to give Him the Glory.