Item: | 5268 |
Size: | 15 ml |
Discount Price: | $27.50 |
Price: | $36.18 |
Chances are your pet lives for playtime. But when these adventures become a bit too rowdy, reach for PuriClean™ to help cleanse minor scrapes and scratches. Featuring the skin-improvement properties of Patchouli and Mountain Savory, PuriClean provides a natural way to comfort your pets’ irritations and help get them back to their playful selves!
Product Snapshot
- Cleans and purifies the skin.
- Helps clean minor scrapes and scratches.
- Comforts minor skin irritations.
- Helps with dry, flaky, irritated skin.
- Supports the well-being of your pet.
- Patchouli essential oil
- Lavender essential oil
- Mountain Savory essential oil
- Palo Santo essential oil
- Citronella essential oil
Suggested Uses
- Apply 1-2 drops topically.
- Use an AromaGlide™ Roller Fitment to conveniently apply a generous amount.
- Put 8-10 drops in a 1-ounce spray bottle with distilled water for a quick skin-cleansing spritz.
- Carefully apply according to the size and species of animal.
- When your animal has the occasional minor scrape or abrasion, PuriClean helps in cleaning and providing comfort to their sore spot.
- Carefully apply according to the size and species of the animal.
- Additional dilution is recommended for smaller species.
- The safety of essential oil usage with animals largely depends on the size, species, and health of the animal, as well as the amount used and the quality of the essential oil.
- The Animal Scents essential oil blends, including PuriClean, are prediluted specifically for the sensitivity of animals.
- In addition, as Tea Tree is included as part of the blend, it is even lower in concentration.
- We have formulated the Animal Scents products to contain the best ingredients and appropriate amounts to ensure the health and safety of animals. However, if you have further concerns, we suggest speaking with a veterinarian.”
- STORAGE: Keep in a cool, dark place.
CAUTIONS: Take extra care when using any essential oils, especially those with citric ingredients, around cats. Specifically formulated for veterinary use. Keep out of reach of children.
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