Thieves Essential Oil Blend
Item: 3423
Size: 15 ml
Discount Price: $39.25
Price: $51.64

Thieves® Essential Oil Blend is a powerful combination of Clove, Lemon, Cinnamon Bark, Eucalyptus Radiata, and Rosemary essential oils that fills any space with a rich, spicy aroma. As one of our most popular products, it’s no wonder that Thieves is included in so many of our home cleaning and personal care products.

It is a key ingredient in Thieves Cleaner, Thieves Waterless Hand Purifier, Thieves Wipes, and Thieves Foaming Hand Soap. Thieves blend is your go-to for an invigoratingly clean and spicy scent that smells more like fall baking than harsh cleaning formulas.

Product Snapshot


  • Includes the naturally occurring constituents trans cinnamaldehyde, (Cinnamon Bark), limonene (Lemon), and eucalyptol (Eucalyptus Radiata and Rosemary).


  • Cleansing when applied topically.


  • Neutralizes and purifies the air from strong odors when diffused.
  • Freshens any atmosphere when diffused.


  • From the bottle: vibrant, spicy cinnamon aroma

Suggested Uses



  • Add to V-6 and use for a foot massage.


  • Diffuse 6–8 drops to help create a cozy, peaceful environment.
  • Customize your Thieves experience by adding a few drops of Orange, Tangerine, Nutmeg, or Lemon Myrtle essential oil.
  • Refresh musty carpets by adding 5 drops of Thieves to a cup of baking soda; combine well and let sit overnight until the oil is absorbed. Sprinkle over carpets and vacuum thoroughly.
  • Add a few drops to your Thieves Dish Soap or Thieve Automatic Dishwasher
  • Powder to eliminate odors and boost cleaning.
  • Add to any of your Thieves cleaning products.


  • Welcome the fresh, clean fragrance of Thieves into your classroom or playroom to neutralize strong odors in the air.
  • Create an inviting ambiance by filling your living room or kitchen with the spicy, homespun aroma.
  • Surround yourself with the comforting scent at your desk for an uplifting and cozy workday.
  • Counteract odors near trash cans by flooding the air with this delicious, homey fragrance.


  • Thieves essential oil blend has a warm, spicy scent. Diffuse it for a fresh, clean aroma around the house or apply it topically for its cleansing properties.


  • Topical: Dilute 1 drop with 4 drops of V-6 Vegetable Oil Complex or olive oil. Test on a small area of skin on the underside of your arm. Apply to the desired area as needed.
  • Aromatic: Diffuse up to 10 minutes 3 times daily.
  • Storage: Keep in a cool, dark place.

CAUTIONS: Keep out of reach of children. For external use only. Keep away from eyes and mucous membranes. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult a health professional prior to use. Avoid direct sunlight or UV rays for up to 12 hours after applying the product.


Eugenia caryophyllus† (Clove) bud oil
Citrus limon† (Lemon) peel oil
Cinnamomum zeylanicum† (Cinnamon) bark oil
Eucalyptus radiata† leaf oil
Rosmarinus officinalis† (Rosemary) leaf oil

†Seed to Seal Premium essential oil

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