First, it is an exact and complete definition of a term of standards.
With Young Living, "Seed to Seal Premium" Means
- There has been verification of the correct species when the seed was planted.
- The purity and manner of cultivation (no chemicals or nearby pollution, etc.).
- The proper time of harvest to optimize the (healthy) properties in the oil.
- The proper manner of distillation to capture all of the therapeutic compounds.
- The right chemical composition as determined by sophisticated laboratory tests.
- And the purity of the packaging--i.e. nothing added, nothing is taken away.
- Stored in light-protected containers (amber or blue bottles) of glass, ceramic, Teflon, or stainless steel.
- And kept in a suitable environment of appropriate temperatures.
All of this is taken into account with Young Living's definition of "Seed to Seal Premium." No other company maintains or can claim such a standard.
A Lot of Other Oils Can't Compare
For example, if an oil contains enough menthol, you can legally sell it as "peppermint" when, in fact, there may be no actual peppermint plant oil present whatsoever. Hence, an aromatic oil can be 80-100% synthetic and meet ISO* standards.
ISO only takes into account the end product by testing for the percents of a few compounds that account for flavor and/or aroma. These standards do not take into account the manner by which the oil was obtained nor whether any of the beneficial compounds are present.
In fact, the beneficial compounds can all be absent and an oil can still meet ISO standards, which may be adequate for perfumes and flavors, but totally ineffective for my purposes.
By contrast, Young Living's "Seed to Seal Premium" standard takes into account everything from planting the seed to marketing the oil.
Buyer Needs to Beware
I always say that a buyer of essential oils needs to beware. You could be buying essential oils that are not truly pure.
If you're new to using essential oils and would like to start out on the right path (avoiding unnecessary confusion), I highly recommend that you begin your journey with an Essential Oils Premium Starter Bundle. It's a TREMENDOUS VALUE for your money and takes the guesswork out. Look at these different Starter Bundles and see if one would be right for you.
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I'd love to welcome you to the world of Young Living. Here, you will find much more than essential oils—you’ll find a new lifestyle.
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*The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is an international standard-setting body composed of representatives from various national standards organizations. Founded on 23 February 1947, the organization promotes worldwide proprietary, industrial and commercial standards.
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