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I'm so happy you stopped by. My name is Wendy and I just know we're going to be great friends! How do I know that? It's simple, we both have an interest in Essential Oils (ok, mine might be a bit of an obsession ;-) and I bet we have a lot more in common too!
My love for essential oils started back in the mid-'90s!!! It all began when my friend Pam and I were catching up and sharing the latest and greatest in our lives. I was so EXCITED, I had found a household cleaner that took out red wine stains (I mean kool-aid) from my white carpet. I was telling Pam how cheap it was and how well it worked but there was only one problem...when I used it, it made my eyes burn and tear-up and it made me cough, a lot, as in for days.
You need to know Pam is a nurse and she has seen a whole lot more than me. She calmly told me she didn't think that those reactions were a good thing. Pam thought it was probably the harmful chemicals in the cleaners that were the culprit and that over time they could cause serious illness.
That was my lightbulb moment. Honestly, I hadn't given it much thought before, because my mom's hobby was cleaning, and she always said: "if it doesn't smell strong, it's not working." Mom coughed when she cleaned, so it just seemed normal to me.
In 2012, my mom died suddenly from a massive pulmonary embolism. Most likely due to something I later learned was called "Body Burden". Here's what happened, for years she breathed in and absorbed all the junk that was in her cleaning products. In small doses, it may not be noticeably harmful, but years of accumulation took a toll on her body systems until they could no longer filter out the harmful stuff and she couldn't function as a healthy person. She was fatigued, short of breath, experienced weight gain, suffered from hot flashes, and her feet hurt making it painful to walk. All of this was going on while on the exterior she looked fine. Mom was looking for answers, she had an EKG the day she died and while all appeared normal, we know now that was far from the truth.
The thing is, you don't know what you don't know, but once you know, you can't NOT know.
I NEVER want another family to experience the devastation and loss of a loved one because they don't know about the effects of harsh chemicals in our DAILY use products. From the personal care products, we slather on our bodies to the cleaners we use to protect and clean our homes, they are loaded with synthetics that are not safe and banned in other countries.
My passion is to help others to avoid the hurt and pain that comes from the harmful side effects of using products that are unsafe for our families. It's with great pride that I can share cost-effective alternatives using essential oils and plant-based products.
And it's all because Pam cared enough to show me an all-natural plant-based cleaner that smells like fresh baked goods and works to purify every surface in my home, leaving only the clean behind without any harmful yuck.
If reducing unhealthy exposures and results are important to you, I hope you spend some time reading a bit on my website. Authenticity is certainly most important, not only for the bottles of oils but for the oil-infused products as well. If all of your questions haven't been answered on this site, or you just want to chat, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me!
All orders are handled directly by Young Living, but if you have questions about ordering options I'm here to help!
Wendy Naturally
Referral ID: 601484
(941) 720-0422
Have you ever wanted to pursue a work from home business opportunity and have more control over your time and income?
I'm so happy you stopped by. My name is Wendy and I just know we're going to be great friends! How do I know that? It's simple, we both have an interest in Essential Oils (ok, mine might be a bit of an obsession ;-) and I bet we have a lot more in common too!
My love for essential oils started back in the mid-'90s!!! It all began when my friend Pam and I were catching up and sharing the latest and greatest in our lives. I was so EXCITED, I had found a household cleaner that took out red wine stains (I mean kool-aid) from my white carpet. I was telling Pam how cheap it was and how well it worked but there was only one problem...when I used it, it made my eyes burn and tear-up and it made me cough, a lot, as in for days.
You need to know Pam is a nurse and she has seen a whole lot more than me. She calmly told me she didn't think that those reactions were a good thing. Pam thought it was probably the harmful chemicals in the cleaners that were the culprit and that over time they could cause serious illness.
That was my lightbulb moment. Honestly, I hadn't given it much thought before, because my mom's hobby was cleaning, and she always said: "if it doesn't smell strong, it's not working." Mom coughed when she cleaned, so it just seemed normal to me.
In 2012, my mom died suddenly from a massive pulmonary embolism. Most likely due to something I later learned was called "Body Burden". Here's what happened, for years she breathed in and absorbed all the junk that was in her cleaning products. In small doses, it may not be noticeably harmful, but years of accumulation took a toll on her body systems until they could no longer filter out the harmful stuff and she couldn't function as a healthy person. She was fatigued, short of breath, experienced weight gain, suffered from hot flashes, and her feet hurt making it painful to walk. All of this was going on while on the exterior she looked fine. Mom was looking for answers, she had an EKG the day she died and while all appeared normal, we know now that was far from the truth.
The thing is, you don't know what you don't know, but once you know, you can't NOT know.
I NEVER want another family to experience the devastation and loss of a loved one because they don't know about the effects of harsh chemicals in our DAILY use products. From the personal care products, we slather on our bodies to the cleaners we use to protect and clean our homes, they are loaded with synthetics that are not safe and banned in other countries.
My passion is to help others to avoid the hurt and pain that comes from the harmful side effects of using products that are unsafe for our families. It's with great pride that I can share cost-effective alternatives using essential oils and plant-based products.
And it's all because Pam cared enough to show me an all-natural plant-based cleaner that smells like fresh baked goods and works to purify every surface in my home, leaving only the clean behind without any harmful yuck.
If reducing unhealthy exposures and results are important to you, I hope you spend some time reading a bit on my website. Authenticity is certainly most important, not only for the bottles of oils but for the oil-infused products as well. If all of your questions haven't been answered on this site, or you just want to chat, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me!