Barbara Stoffel welcomes you!
I'm so happy you stopped by. As an extension of my holistic business - Your True North LLC, it is with great pride that I am able to share the most authentic essential oils in the world that compliment many of the healing modalities offered at Your True North, a wellness retail shop and healing haven.
From Wellness Classes that include "Make & Takes" so that you leave with tools to help you, whether the class is about sleep, anxiety or a host of other issues or goals, to Sound Therapy that corrects your internal frequencies that provided calming therapeutic enjoyment, to retail offerings of the best essential oil based products on that planet that covers you every need: household, beauty, baby, health & wellness to the precious bottles of essential oils themselves.
These are just some of the wonderful healing offerings at Your True North "Where your best self awaits®"
I believe the very best of us can be found where that compass points us-North.
It is where our authentic self resides, free of low frequency, negative inner chatter, emotional woes and the inner burdens that are often self imposed.
It is quite the journey but is amazing and I am humbled to assist you. My goal is to empower you, not just help you. You already have within you, the compass of YOUR True north.
Let me empower you to recalibrate it.
About me:
I am a holistic and spiritual truth seeker for all things natural and healing. This constant search brought me to Young Living Essential oils that serendipitously entered my life at a point where I was in the midst of grieving THREE major events in my life and on top of being unable to take antibiotics due to their side effects on my heart. The first oil that began the revOILution for me was lavender. This oil provided the beginning stages of healing through calming, and helping with precious sleep.
Today, I am passionate about these amazing essential oils that have enhanced lives for thousands of years, offering a variety of benefits from emotional healing, medicinal, cosmetic and dietary purposes, to spiritual and religious use.
In my own healing journey, I found the essential oils to be incredibly complimentary and enhancing to the other healing modalities I used such as massage, Reiki, Prayer, Meditation and Sound baths which allowed me to have profound healing.
That profound healing I achieved has created a passion to help others heal reach their True North.
About Young Living
Young Living has always been at the forefront of bringing this ancient tradition to the modern user, introducing millions to emotional, physical, and spiritual wellness that can be truly life-changing.
Extracted through traditional and time tested steam distillation, ancient resin tapping, and preserving cold pressing, the purest essential oils are far more powerful than the botanicals from which they come. When you possess a bottle of Young Living’s powerful essential oils, you hold nature’s pure essence.
If results on wellness, in a natural way, are important to you, I hope you spend some time reading a bit on my website. Authenticity is certainly most important, not only for the bottles of oils but for all the oil-infused products we have as well.
Visit Your True North or shop online.
If all of your questions haven't been answered on this site, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me!
Oily Well Wishes,
Your True North Essentials
Brand Partner # 3721392