Incredible! Essential oils so PURE they can be consumed.
Did you know that Young Living’s essential oils and blends are so pure that they can offer nearly 50 of them that are approved and labeled for internal use?
Over the past 25+ years, many Young Living® customers have been using these oils internally, but only recently, the FDA started requiring the bottles to be labeled separately - those that are topical and aromatic and those that are dietary supplements.
Interestingly enough, each of these Vitality™ oils and blends has an identical bottle labeled for topical and aromatic use. I thought it was fabulous to learn that all of these bottles have the same oil in them.
Use In Cooking Your Favorite Foods
I've learned that many essential oils can be used to create amazing flavors in your favorite dishes in baking, grilling, adding to beverages, and many other ways.
Perfect for adding flavor to your favorite foods or using as dietary supplements, Young Living's Vitality™ dietary essential oil line gives you the freedom to share and explore some of their best-loved essential oils in a variety of nutritious and delicious ways.
Non-GMO and EarthKosher
ALL of these are Non-GMO Project Verified, and many are EarthKosher Certified.
“There’s an oil for that”, Not Just a Myth….
Truly the benefits are staggering with taking essential oils internally, and each oil or blend has its unique qualities and is used for various internal uses. Many of them support wellness and multiple body systems naturally.
- Some support healthy gastrointestinal function.
- Some help support a healthy immune system.
- Some deliver powerful antioxidants when taken internally.
- Some help support a healthy digestive system.
- Some help support healthy gallbladder and liver function.
- Some support healthy weight management.
- Some support a healthy lymphatic system.
- Some offer cleansing properties.
- Some help you wind down at bedtime and ease you into sweet dreams.
- Some provide a relaxing and calming aroma when you need it.
- Some help maintain a healthy circulatory system.
- Many support wellness and a healthy lifestyle!
Which One Will Be Your Favorite?
It is hard to pick a favorite, but after researching it, one of my favorites would have to be Frankincense. So many of these oils offer different benefits; you’ll probably need to refer to each oil individually for usage suggestions.
Herb Vitality™ Oils
Spice Vitality™ Oils
Citrus Vitality™ Oils
Supplement Vitality™ Oils
I'd love to welcome you to the world of Young Living. Here, you will find much more than essential oils—you’ll find a new lifestyle.
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Free Email Class: Essential Oils 101
Learn all the basics on essential oils in my FREE Essential Oils 101 Email Course. I’ll also share DIY beauty and skin care recipes, homemade cleaners and other practical uses for essential oils to help you save money too.
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For Home, health, & fitness
Products for Everyone!
These products celebrate the harmony between nature, body, mind, and soul. Have you noticed that walking through lavender fields or a pine forest seems to instantly awaken your senses — from the energizing aromas to the feelings of well-being the smell evokes? Young Living infuses this into everything they create.
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