with MARCH Lucky 7 Clover Leaf SAVINGS Incentive

March is here, spring is near, and this month I want to help you live a
MORE GREEN HEALTHY lifestyle from pure authentic plants with a
Young Living Essential Oils Starter Kit with some ADDED MARCH
If you have heard about Young Living Essential Oils but are not sure if these oils are right for your health, I have some assuring confident news for you. Young Living Essential Oils are produced from their PROPRIETARY “Seed to Seal” process for 100% AUTHENTIC essential oils for EVERYDAY NATURAL BODY HEALTH & WELLNESS! What does this mean? Young Living produces there PURE essential oils under three proprietary pillars: Sourcing, Science & Standards. This process begins with planting the seeds in the ground that HAS NOT had ANY PESTICIDES OR FERTILIZER CHEMICALS in the ground for at least 50 years. When plants begin growing Young Living cultivates their crops through sustainable harvesting practices that protects the plants for its essential oil purity, then when plants are full grown and the peak the plants harvest season is ready the plants are distilled through careful steam distraction, resin tapping or cold pressing methods (depending on the type of plant, tree or fruit oil). That essential oil is then tested by Young Living Scientist as well as by third party Scientist to verify AUTHENTIC PURITY of the plant oil. When the testing is complete and verified for OIL PURITY, then the plant oils are extracted thru the process above, and essential oil is bottled and sealed to ship to you and your family. This production process is how EVERY DROP of essential oil from Young Living’s Corporate Owned Farms, and their Partner farms are produced. Read more about this on my prior Blog post about Seed to Seal, or visit www.seedtoseal.com.
Young Living has product lines for ALL members of your family including your fur babies, CBD oil, and entire home cleaning. There are also nutritional/dietary supplements, healthy drinks & food, skin care and personal hygiene care, mineral based cosmetics & offers a variety of diffusers to fit your home and office décor. Young Living is a wonderful customer oriented company and aims to please their customers and members. You can purchase any Young Living product by retail sale, or you can SAVE MORE MONEY by becoming a member (no member fees ever) WITH the PURCHASE of a Young Living Starter Kit. There are many Starter Kits to choose from (Essential oil kits, KidScents, CBD (in 2 dosage strengths), Thieves Home Kit (home cleaning & personal hygiene care) & NingXia Red (super fruit antioxidant drink kit). There are SO MANY ways to get started with Young Living Essential Oils. When you purchase a YL Starter Kit you automatically receive the 24% wholesale pricing on ALL YL PRODUCTS, as long as you are a member (NO member fees) purchasing products monthly, or throughout the year. To HELP YOU get started with your Young Living Starter Kit I am offering several days in March with special $ SAVINGS $ & FREE YL products. This is my “March Lucky 7 Clover Leaf $$ SAVINGS” incentive! Look for special savings day dates of March 7, 14, 17, 21, 27 & 28 to purchase your Young Living Starter Kit. The special savings will only be GOOD and VALID on EACH SPECIFIC MARCH DATE listed above. I will post each specific March date of my SPECIAL SAVINGS on my Tag Line of my home page on my website. The SPECIAL SAVINGS will ONLY be GOOD and VALID on EACH of specific MARCH DATE. The March SAVINGS DISCOUNTS & eligible FREE Young Living product’s will be sent to you DIRECTLY FROM ME. Your selected Starter Kit will come to you from Young Living.
When you purchase a Starter Kit, or retail sale items through me I will be your personal Young Living Independent Consultant, and will help you and yours achieve NATURAL WELLNESS from plants, and I can recommend essential oils and infused products to you. Follow me on social media, my social media links are on my website at the top right corner of the home page. A Welcome Gift specific to your selected Starter Kit will also be sent to you directly from ME!
I look forward to helping you live GREEN from plant health & SAVE YOU MORE GREEN from this PURE Young Living LIFESTYLE!
Thank you for your time.
Michelle Warner
Young Living Independent Member #12487720
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These products celebrate the harmony between nature, body, mind, and soul. Have you noticed that walking through lavender fields or a pine forest seems to instantly awaken your senses — from the energizing aromas to the feelings of well-being the smell evokes? Young Living infuses this into everything they create.
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