HELLO! I'm so happy you stopped by. It is with great pride that I am able to share the most authentic essential oils in the world with you! Young Living Essential Oils are 100% PURE, SEED to SEAL quality therapeutic grade essential oils! Young Living Essential Oils have been around for 26 YEARS, and they are the WORLD LEADER in the Essential Oil movement! These essential oils will ROCK YOUR WORLD because they are the real deal, 100% PURE GRADE essential oil, in every drop of every bottle!
My family and I have been using Young Living Essential Oils now for 2 1/2 years, and we LOVE these oils, and all their essential oil infused products! I started out using Young Living Essential Oils to help my son with better focus and concentration during school and at home, for calming & relaxation, for his whole body wellness plus better nutrition, for better RESTFUL nights of SLEEP, and to eliminate daily medication. After I began using these oils on my son, I too started to use these oils for my everyday health and wellness, and skin care. I then began switching out ALL our store bought health and wellness, and skin care products and replaced by using Young Living Essential Oils & oil infused products. These essential oils have IMPROVED our daily health for the better! Our immune system is healthy & strong which prevents us from catching sick bugs! For any mild to medium health symptom we are experiencing we self treat our symptoms with these oils. I also make my own skin care products with these oils and my skin feels and looks much better. Since we have using these oils, we have more POSITIVE days, with BETTER ATTITUDES and HAPPIER MOODS! I even COOK and BAKE with the Young Living Vitality essential oils for better taste in foods, plus the oils PROVIDE dietary NUTRITION for WHOLE BODY WELLNESS! We also use these oils for our HOUSEHOLD CLEANING too, and our home is cleaner, healthier, looks better, smells wonderful, and is a SAFER environment because we took out harmful store bought chemical and toxin cleaners and REPLACED with Young Living Essential Oils Thieves household cleaner, and other natural ingredients for home cleaning. Our dog also benefits with these essential oils from the Young Living Animal Scents product line to help with her itchy skin allergen. By using these essential oils and products for our health and wellness, and whole home cleaning we have SAVED MONEY, we FEEL BETTER, we are HEALTHIER, HAVE FOCUSED MINDS, BETTER MOODS, SLEEP BETTER, and are living in a HEALTHY ENVIRONMENT that is CHEMICAL AND TOXIN FREE!
If you are ready to make a health change for the better and if results are important to you, then I hope you spend some time reading about these oils on my website. Authenticity is certainly most important, not only for the bottles of oils but for the oil-infused products as well. If all of your questions haven't been answered on this site, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me! I look forward to helping you and yours live life through natural wellness!
Michelle Warner
Michelle Warner, Just Apply Oils
Brand Partner # 12487720