Can a Natural, Plant-Based Cleaner Really Work?

Did I mention how AWESOME Thieves Household Cleaner WORKS? I’m a bit embarrassed to admit that graphic is of my bathroom sink drain. I could NEVER get that darn drain shiny and clean before. It always had a crusty film that would not go away no matter how hard I scrubbed.

Now, I just sprinkle a bit of Thieves Kitchen and Bathroom Scrub, spray some Thieves Household Cleaner mixed to the ratio for heavy cleaning (3 caps to 20 oz water), let it sit for a few minutes, and wipe it clean! No need to turn the ventilation fan on, or do what I call the “spray and run” where I hold my breath while I spray the cleaner and run out of the room while I wait for the toxic vapors to dissipate.

Young Living’s legendary Thieves Essential Oil blend has been laboratory tested to kill 99.9% of germs, and is what gives this chemical-free cleaner its power.

Here are some fun facts about why chemical-free cleaning is so important, aside from the risk of poisoning your child if ingested.

The air quality in our homes is found to be 5-7 TIMES more toxic than the air outside, mostly due to chemical cleaners and air fresheners. This is sad because most of us think of our homes as being our safe haven, the one environment we have control of. Too many people think that because a product is on a store shelf, it has been put through testing and some sort of approval process that assures its safety. But did you know that the Toxic Substance Control Act (TSCA) of 1976 grandfathered in an estimated 100,000 chemicals that are currently on the market today. Somewhere around 85,000 of these chemicals have never had any safety testing done on them whatsoever, and even the ones that have are only required to have a toxic warning label of sorts if more than 50% of the animals tested die. This act also protects manufacturers with “trade secret” laws that limits their requirements for disclosing ingredients altogether.

OSHA sets a certain standard for indoor air quality called the Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) rating. This measures gases emitted from certain solids or liquids which represent a variety of chemicals in the air. OSHA standard for a chemical such as formaldehydes in an industrial building is set at .75 ppm (parts per million). The average home usually measures at around 50 ppB (parts per BILLION). Common furniture polish reads 275 ppb. Lysol wipes, requested by schools and used in most office buildings, 1798 ppb. And Lysol surface disinfectant spray, advertising to kill 99.9% of germs, at a whopping 12,000+ ppM.

Inhalation is even more hazardous than topical application because it not only affects the lungs, but it can reach the brain through the olfactory system within seconds.

Let’s think about this for a spray these chemicals on your countertops and cutting boards to disinfect them. Then, you prepare your foods and cut your fruits and veggies on the chemical-laden surface right before you eat it!

No more!

Swap out ALL your chemical cleaners with just this ONE! Thieves Household Cleaner™ is the BOMB! It gives a whole new meaning to “all-purpose” cleaner. It is concentrated, so just a capful (about a teaspoon) mixed in a 20 oz spray bottle of water takes care of most of your cleaning needs and costs around $1.00!

Use Thieves Household Cleaner™ for things like: countertops, floors, sinks, shower, toilets, mirrors, and anything else that needs a wipe down. Toss a cap or 2 in a bucket of water to mop your floors with. Mix a little with some baking soda for an absolutely AMAZING soft scrub and glass stove top cleaner and polisher. Add a capful to your rinse aid dispenser and top off with vinegar, make a totally AWESOME jewelry cleaner, and so much MORE!

I think the best part of this cleaner, besides how great it works to clean my scummy tubs and sinks, is that my young kids can help me clean without being put in danger! The caution label simply states “drink water if ingested”. That’s peace of mind for this mama.

Another thing to consider in your chemical-reduction efforts is “organic”, "green" and "all-natural" on the label doesn't necessarily mean safe and nontoxic. There are no regulating standards for what is put on the label of cleaners, and keep in mind, arsenic, uranium, mercury and formaldehyde are all naturally occurring, but poisonous.

Thieves Household Cleaner™ is safe for pets too! Did you know that many commercial cleaners are toxic to pets, causing kidney failure and other health problems? One of the most toxic brands out there often markets its product line targeting pet owners with the ease of cleaning up after pets.

Get your Thieves Household Cleaner so you too can Keep calm, and clean on!

For more savvy cleaning tips, check out the Swap It Savvy Community on FB. 


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