DIY Hand Sanitizer

After my last blog posts about making your own baby wipes, cleaning wipes, and hand soap, I'm getting requests for Hand Sanitizer. Hand Sanitizer is a hot commodity right now, but people don't realize that it, and soap, can be sources of other toxins that get absorbed into the body, which taxes the immune and detox systems while it clears out the toxins, like fragrance, polymers, endocrine distruptors and neurotoxins. I don't know about you, but I'd rather keep those toxins out of my body so my immune system can stay focused on clearing out any viruses and bacteria that I may come into contact with instead. Those well-known brands are also tough on skin, oftentimes leaving them dry and cracked. No fun.

For me, I am a fan of Young Living's® Thieves™ Hand Sanitizer because it is clinically tested to kill 99.99% of germs without the use of those toxins mentioned above, and it doesn't dry my hands out or leave them feeling sticky like store brands do. AND it follows the CDC's recommendations for 60% or above alcohol content. It has 65%. 

Unfortunately, the demand for this product has increased 700%, so it is in and out of stock right now. So what can a person do in a pinch?

Make some yourself? Maybe.

Now personally, I still prefer buying mine from Young Living® since it's tested for effectiveness and I am a results-driven consumer, but I would totally trust this DIY recipe in the event I run out of my stash of Young Living's® because I know the power of the good Young Living® essential oils and I've done my research. (FYI- I had my stash way before the outbreak because I was using hand sanitizer before it was cool).

So here's what you'll need.

An 8 oz bottle. You can re-use an empty hand sanitizer or soap bottle or buy a fresh one.

2/3 cup Everclear® alcohol, or any other grain alcohol that is at least 180 proof (You may need to travel to good ole North Dakota to find that). I believe 120 proof will achieve 60% alcohol, but since we are diluting it with aloe gel, it needs to be 180 proof to achieve the CDC's 60% recommendation, or leave the aloe out completely. Rubbing Alcohol is also recommended, but be mindful of the harshness on the skin this has and that statement above about the toxins taxing the immune system when making this choice. Also be mindful not to drink your hand sanitizer! Just saying.

15 drops Young Living® Thieves™ essential oil blend (no substitutions) and 5 drops Young Living® peppermint essential oil (also no substitutions, must be YL because of the chemical structure of their oils).

1/3 cup clear, unscented aloe  vera gel. Making your own from a plant would be awesome. This is on my to-do list to learn.


You will need some good hand lotion after applying this, especially if you are using the rubbing alcohol. I'll post my favorite DIY of that next.

Keep in mind, Hand sanitizers do not kill all viruses. Soap and water removes them from your hands. So, don’t use hand sanitizer to replace handwashing. Whenever possible, always choose to wash with soap for 30 seconds.

AND your savvy tip of the day, don't be duped by anyone making claims about a product being SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN effective against killing the COVID-19 virus because studies just are not available on this. There is NOTHING that has been SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN to kill COVID-19 strain....repeat NOTHING that has been SCIENTIFICALLY TESTED AND PROVEN to kill COVID-19. So all you people wanting studies and scientific proof, you aren't going to get it. Not even on your bleach products. It's just that bleach and alcohols are being recommended because those are what the general public are familiar with to be effective with other things; they're playing the odds. There are many strains of coronavirus, most of them are very mild, but that is very different than COVID-19. 

Hand washing works because it sends the proteins down the drain. Wash your hands, stay home for now, and give your body the wellness tools it needs to function at its best. Here is a really great video on explaining this. 

Be well my friends.

Click here for a complete line of my choice of savvy alternatives in hygiene and health products.

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