What Are Essential Oils and How Can They Help You?

Indeed the benefits of essential oils are staggering! Each oil or blend has its unique qualities, and we use them for various situations and health support.

Essential oils come from plants. But before I get into more details about what they are, I thought you'd like to know some of the ways people are using them to improve their lives.


Naturally Supports Wellness

Many essential oils support wellness as well as support various healthy body systems, naturally. So even though there are thousands of beneficial uses, here are a few of them as they relate to your body.

  • Some help support healthy gallbladder and liver function.
  • Some provide a relaxing and calming aroma when you most need it.
  • Some help you wind down at bedtime and ease you into sweet dreams.
  • Some support healthy weight management.
  • Some support a healthy immune system.
  • Some support a healthy digestive system.
  • Some support healthy gastrointestinal function.
  • Some deliver powerful antioxidants when taken internally.
  • Some support a healthy lymphatic system.
  • Some have cleansing properties.
  • Some help maintain a healthy circulatory system.
  • Many help with keeping your home refreshed!


So What Are Essential Oils?

Now that you know some of the ways essential oils are used, you may be wondering how they do this and exactly what they are.

In a Nutshell...
  • An essential oil is a concentrated liquid usually obtained from various parts of a plant.
  • Essential oil is the essence of a plant.


Which Means...

Essential oils are aromatic, highly concentrated plant extracts that are carefully obtained from the plant.

Oils get harvested from farm-grown or wild-crafted plants, herbs, and trees. The oils inside a plant get extracted into a highly concentrated and beneficial form with this process.

Young Living’s oils are carefully extracted through steam distillation, resin tapping, and cold pressing.

    ✔️    It has been said that the purest essential oils are far more potent than the plants from which they’re derived.


Interesting to Know
  • Plants also use their “essence” or what we call, “essential oils.”  Meaning, that this “essential oil” drawn from the plant is what the plant itself uses to help with infection control, humidity control, hormonal effects wound healing, and attracting or repelling insects, birds, and animals!
  • Essential oils do not feel oily; they are called "oils" because they contain the oil-soluble compounds in the plant.
  • Essential oils are highly volatile, that's why they are sometimes also called volatile oils - meaning they evaporate quickly after coming in contact with oxygen.


A Timeline of Essential Oils


Click here to find out the 3 main ways people get effective results using oils!


I'd love to welcome you to the world of Young Living. Here, you will find much more than essential oils—you’ll find a new lifestyle.

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