101 Uses for Everyday Oils

There is not a day that goes by where my family doesn't use essential oils in some way, shape, or form. Here are 101 ways to use some of the most popular essential oils and blends Young Living has. Friends, this list doesn't even scratch the surface of the possible uses. They are SO versatile.


  1. Inhale or rub on wrists, neck, or feet for calming.
  2. Spray on your pillow for restful sleep.
  3. Put a drop on a bee sting or insect bite to stop itching & reduce swelling.
  4. Put a drop on a burn or cut to decrease pain, infection, & promote healing.
  5. Mix several drops with a carrier oil and use topically to promote healthy skin.
  6. To alleviate the symptoms of motion sickness, place a drop on the end of the tongue, around the naval or behind the ears.
  7. Put a drop on a cotton ball and place in each ear for pain or water in the ears.
  8. Rub a drop on troubled, chapped, or sunburned skin.
  9. Apply to cold sores & mouth ulcers.
  10. Apply to rash to stop itching or irritation.
  11. Diffuse or inhale to alleviate seasonal symptoms.
  12. Put 10-15 drops in your natural shampoo to promote healthy hair & scalp.
  13. Add to carrier oil for smooth baby bums.
  14. Add 5 drops to ¼ Espom Salt and put it in your bath for a relaxing detox experience.

Lemon Vitality™

  1. Use 1 drop to add flavor to baked goods or beverages.
  2. Place a drop on cold sores or mouth ulcers to lessen pain & aid healing.
  3. Put a drop on oily skin or acne to balance the sebaceous glands (oil glands).
  4. Apply 1-2 drops topically to smelly, itchy feet.
  5. Put 10-15 drops in carpet cleaning solution for stains & odor reduction.
  6. Put 1-2 drops in each soap dispenser in the dishwasher for sparkling glasses.
  7. Add 1-3 drops to drinking water for flavor and immune support.
  8. Use 6 drops each of lemon oil and Purification mixed with distilled water to clean bathroom and kitchen surfaces.
  9. Use 1-2 drops to remove gum, oil, grease, crayons & adhesive residue from carpets, clothing & hard surfaces.

Peppermint Vitality™

  • Apply to bottom of feet to reduce core body temperature.
  • Inhale before & during a workout to boost your mood & stamina.
  • To relieve head pressure, apply on temples, forehead, sinuses, and/or back of neck. (Stay away from eyes).
  • Place a drop on the tongue and run another drop under the nose to improve alertness and concentration.

    Place a drop on the tongue and run another drop under the nose to improve alertness and concentration. 

    1. Diffuse Peppermint oil in the room while studying to improve concentration and accuracy.
    2. Inhale Peppermint oil while taking a test to improve memory recall.
    3. Place a drop on the tongue and inhale into the nose and sinuses to relieve congestion from a cold.
    4. To deter rats, mice, ants, or cockroaches, put 2 drops on a cotton ball and place along their path or point of entry.
    5. Add 2-4 drops to 4 oz. water and spray plants to kill aphids.
    6. Drink a drop in a glass of cold water to cool off on a hot day.
    7. Rub on joints to minor pain.
    8. Place a drop on your tongue to freshen breath.
    9. Mix in a footbath to relieve sore, tired feet.
    10. Apply Purification and Peppermint oil diluted to a cotton swab and rub just inside the ear to eliminate ear mites in cats and dogs.
    11. Rub 1 drop in a palmful of carrier oil & rub over stomach & around the navel to relieve indigestion, flatulence and diarrhea.
    12. Apply Peppermint oil to sooth redness, heat & swelling.

    *Apply over the top of another oil to enhance that oil’s properties.


    1. Diffuse or inhale directly to stimulate the limbic system of the brain (memory and emotional center).
    2. Apply topically to relax muscles and reduce tension.
    3. Rub on skin to lighten age spots, decrease inflammation of acne and boils, overall improvement in tone, and reduce wrinkles. Invitro studies have demonstrated DNA repair using Frankincense.
    4. Rub around orbit of the eye to improve vision.
    5. Anointing oil with Biblical references to protect from illness.
    6. Rub on chest and throat to relieve congestion, soothe cough.
    7. Rub on temples or place a drop on tongue and push to roof of mouth to relieve stress and sadness.
    8. Diffuse to increase spiritual awareness and uplift the spirit.


    1. Add to carrier oil to create a spa-like atmosphere w/ massage.
    2. Mix with carrier oil and apply to chest to support proper respiratory function.
    3. Rub on feet or chest before exercising to uplift and inspire.
    4. Diffuse to create a comforting atmosphere.
    5. Add 6 drops to 1 c. melted/cooled coconut oil for an uplifting vapor rub.
    6. Use with R.C. for an occasional cough with congestion.
    7. Rub 1 drop around the big toe to reduce snoring.
    8. Use in place of Aroma Siez in the raindrop Technique.


    1. Rub on temples, forehead, and back of neck to relieve headaches.
    2. Mix with carrier oil for a relaxing massage oil.
    3. Rub on abdomen and lower back to relieve menstrual cramps.
    4. Massage on joints to reduce discomfort from arthritis.
    5. Rub on base of spine to relieve sciatic pain.
    6. Rub on tight muscles to loosen them up.
    7. Apply topically to an injured area to reduce inflammation and bruising.
    8. Apply topically to sore muscles after exercising.

    Citrus Fresh™:

    1. Put a drop on a cotton ball and place in the toes of smelly sneakers or work boots.
    2. Put a drop on a cotton ball and place in the garbage to neutralize odors.
    3. Add to water for refreshing flavor and immune support.
    4. Mix with water in a spray bottle for a non-toxic air freshener spray.
    5. Fill an empty vegetable capsule for cellular cleansing and support.
    6. Diffuse around the house for an uplifting, yet calming atmosphere.
    7. Diffuse to clean the air and neutralize foul or stale odors.
    8. Put several drops on a cotton ball and place in the air vents of the home, office, hotel room, or other enclosed areas.

    Thieves Vitality™

    1. Use Thieves oil, natural soap and water to clean surfaces like concrete, wood and siding to stop toxic mold.
    2. Make your own disinfectant hand wipes (paper towel, bath gel base, water and Thieves oil.)
    3. Mix water, vinegar and Thieves oil for an internal digestive cleanse.
    4. Dilute and use for mouth and dental pain/tooth aches.
    5. Apply to the throat or gargle in water for sore throat.
    6. Dilute in carrier oils and apply around the ear area for ear discomfort.
    7. Apply to bottom of feet to enhance immune function.
    8. Use directly on toenail fungus.
    9. Dilute and dab on cold sores.
    10. Dab on warts until eliminated.
    11. Use Thieves Household Cleaner to eliminate and prevent airborne pathogens from home, school, indoor and outdoor work environments.
    12. Mix with water and vinegar in a spray bottle to use as a disinfectant.
    13. Diffuse to kill airborne microbes and pathogens. (Research shows a 99.96% decrease in airborne pathogens.)
    14. Diffuse and use directly for toxic molds including black mold.

    DiGize Vitality™

    1. Apply to newborn baby’s feet to support proper gallbladder function.
    2. Dilute 1 part oil w/ 4 parts carried oil in capsule before a meal to support healthy digestion.
    3. Apply 1-2 drops behind ears, wrists, & temples before traveling.
    4. Diffuse to soothe nausea due to normal pregnancy.
    5. Apply 1-2 drops around navel to soothe a sour stomach.

    Stress Away™

    1. Relieve a stress headache by applying to the temples, forehead and back of neck.
    2. Diffuse or inhale to calm anxiety.
    3. Massage onto bottom of feet & back of an upset child to calm them down.
    4. Apply to shoulders, neck, lower back, anywhere you carry your stress.

    Copaiba Vitality™

    1. Mix 3-4 drops w/ spoonful of honey to soothe a dry throat.
    2. Mix w/ carrier oil and apply to muscles after workout.
    3. Diffuse to support healthy immune system
    4. Supports the body’s ability to cope with physical stress and irritation.
    5. Apply to gums of teething babies.
    6. Put 2-3 drops under the tongue to sooth pain, irritation, immune support.
    7. Diffuse to soothe nausea due to normal pregnancy.
    8. Apply 1-2 drops around navel to soothe a sour stomach.
    9. Magnifies the properties of other single oils when layered over.

    There you have it! Some of my favorite ways to use the most popular essential oils and blends.

    And guess what! Young Living has bundled all these oils together at a SUPER discounted price, so if you're just getting into essential oils and are overwhelmed by where to start, THIS IS WHERE YOU START.  

In addition to being about half off, this kit includes a diffuser that runs 10 hours and you get 2 bonus oils of Peace & Calming and Valor, PLUS a bottle of Thieves Spray, Hand Sanitizer, 2 pouches of NingXia Red, and 2 roller tops.

If you have any questions for me, reach out. I'd love to chat about your wellness needs and how to get the best bang for your buck when making healthy swap outs. 

Join our community of essential oil lovers HERE.  


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